If you were didn't go to the Knit and Crochet Show at the Raddison you missed the opportunity to purchase great stuff!
I helped out a bit for Jerry and Cyndi with their Yarn and Fiber Company and was overwhelmed by all the wonderful people! We met so many knitters and crocheters from all over, even Australia!
A big plus was meeting Casey and Jessica from RAVELRY!!! No Bob though..... :-(
There were so many boxes and bags I was in yarn heaven!

I want to thank Jerry and Cyndi for a really fun time, Donna for all the laughs, Carin for sharing with me the love of being a "yarn snob" (aren't we all!), Tonia for the great chats and beautiful knits, and Heather for her great yarn!
You can see more pictures on my Flickr account! Just click on the slide show!